Mark is delighted and honored to welcome his friend, Rick Pino, to the podcast today. Rick is the founder of the Heart of David Movement, a community passionate about seeing Jesus glorified through day and night worship manifested through internships, schools, conferences and summits. He is a world famous Christian musician who performs concerts all over the world, and, in fact, he and Mark met through Eagles’ Wings in Jerusalem about a year ago when Rick performed in a concert that Mark describes as an unforgettable ‘beautiful Israel moment’. The passage Rick has chosen to discuss is 1 Samuel 16:7.
Their conversation begins with Rick explaining the passage, its context, and its meaning for him. He and Mark then discuss the themes of God looking into one’s heart and seeing potential, often in the least likely person. They also discuss how David will be defined, Rick’s perspective on the meaningful properties of music, and his remarkable experience with David Van Koevering. Rick also shares his analysis of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’, the meaning for him of his trip to Jerusalem with Eagles’ Wings, and, of course, the lessons regarding mankind which he has learned. Rick’s abundant knowledge of both scripture and music render him particularly qualified to analyze today’s passage, and you will discover that his unique insights here today are as fascinating as they are informative.
Episode Highlights:
“You cannot disciple a culture that has already discipled you.”
“God is actually looking supremely at the heart posture of humanity.”
“I believe that God…sees us at our whole potential.”
“Because I was faithful with little, I will be powerful with much.”
“What God sees in David is a young man committed to growth, committed to improvement.”
“I feel like music and singing is so powerful because it is a way to gigantically amplify the expression of a person’s heart, whether that’s for good or for evil.”
“Music touches every single part of who a human is.”
“God himself is a singer.”
“I think one of the things that we’re learning in the 21st Century is proving the truths that the biblical author knew.”
“It is actually one of the most life-changing trips that I have ever experienced.”
“Mankind deeply needs God.”
“The potential of mankind is absolutely limitless.”
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Pay no attention to his appearance or his stature, for I have rejected him. For not as man sees [does the LORD see]; man sees only what is visible, but the LORD sees into the heart.”
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